Twitter Advertising

How Twitter Advertising Works

Twitter lets you make short posts about anything, but you are limited to only 280 characters in length, the same length as that of a single SMS message. These short posts are known as "tweets", in reference to the chirping of birds, and appear chronologically on your Twitter profile page. In addition to posting, you can also follow others on Twitter to get their latest tweets in your Twitter feed. Conversely, if someone follows you, they get your tweets in their feeds. Needless to say, the more followers you have the greater your potential reach.

1. Make Your Targeting Precise.
When using Twitter Ads, you want to ensure that you're attracting highly qualified leads, and by that we mean the Twitter users who are most likely to become customers. It may seem obvious that a Twitter user who has clicked your ad is interested in what you're offering, but the right targeting will ensure that your money is well spent on qualified leads and your conversion rate is boosted.

Therefore, you should have a good idea of the type of Twitter user you want to attract. Take a look at your own community using a tool such as SocialBro and access information like bio Tag Clouds, which provide insight into the common keywords in your community's Twitter biographies and develop an idea of what makes your current Twitter community tick. You could also try Googling particular keywords and looking at 'Searches related to...' to get an idea of alternative keywords, to make sure you’re covering the most relevant users.

2. Set A Clear Budget.
An advantage to using Twitter Ads for small business is that you are in control of your budget. When setting up a Twitter Ad campaign, think carefully about what a new follower or a visit to your landing page is worth to you: Rs. 10 / 11? The Twitter Ads platform uses a bidding system, which means whenever an opportunity to display your Promoted Tweet/Trend/Account appears, you and other companies that outlined similar target groups 'bid' to have that display place. You'll be asked to enter the highest amount you'd be willing to 'bid' for that place when creating your Twitter Ad campaign – the highest bidder will only ever pay 1p more than the second highest, to make sure you get value for money.

3. Share Quality Content To Attract New Twitter Followers.
One thing that makes Twitter Ads unique to Facebook or other social networking platforms is the potential for reach and exposure. But potential reach can only get you so far, it’s important that your content is top quality, engaging (both during your campaign and in your regular day-to-day Tweeting for your newly acquired followers) and has clear call to actions to ensure that Twitter users are enticed to follow you. With 43% of Twitter users revealing that they would purchase regularly from a SME they follow, it’s important yor content appeals to your target audience.

The key thing to bear in mind when using Twitter Ads for small business? Don't promise the world and offer a peanut. If you're driving traffic to a landing page, that landing page content needs to be top quality. Otherwise you’ll be paying for people to click your link, look at your page, and click away again without ever getting to know your small business. Promotional Tweets offering a discount or incentive for people to follow and engage with your business works well. Check out how NYC-based online clothes retailer Bonobos used Promoted Tweets in their campaign, they offered a one-day 'Twixclusive' sale that they teased in advance to their followers and then offered to a wider audience through Twitter Ads.

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